Hello! We’re here to help!

Live Chat
During business hours, physicians & patients can be connected to a live UDMI Agent for help with questions related to appointments, medical records, billing, UDMI’s Patient Portal, and any other inquiries. Just simply click here or on the bot on the lower right hand corner of our webpage to get started.

Important Phone Numbers
Patient Appointments & Medical Records: 718-931-5620
Physician Only: 718-931-0138 or 718-931-6018
Interventional Radiology Appointments ONLY: 718-931-5245
Billing: 718-597-2797
Biopsy Results: 718-931-5620 ext. 6409*
Fax Numbers
- Main Fax: 718-824-0706 (Referrals)
- Billing Fax: 718-931-8663
- Medical Records: 718-931-7947
*Please allow 72 hours to pass from the day the biopsy is performed before calling for results.
Same Day Appointments
UDMI can offer same day appointments for most exams. Please note that some exams require advanced preparation or insurance prior authorization.
Insurance Participation
UDMI participates with most insurance carriers. Prior to your scheduled exam our staff will verify your insurance coverage and inform you of any deductibles, co-insurance or co-pays which may be due the day of your exam.