Virtual- Calvary Awards Gala
December 2020
UDMI is proud to support Calvary Hospital, the world’s leading expert in palliative care.

Bronx Community Relief Effort
December 2020
Difficult times often highlight the importance of community and the invaluable role it plays in supporting us through those times. Although the pandemic has spared no one, it is apparent that our Bronx Community has been disproportionately affected. With Bronx pride and a deep sense of duty to our community, UDMI supports The Bronx Community Relief Effort. It is our hope that our support with help bring relief to those struggling among us.

Breast Cancer Awareness
December 2020

In 2020, raising awareness for Breast Cancer was more important than ever! Why? Many women put off their annual breast cancer screening during the pandemic out of fear of infection. This delay increased their risk for later-stage breast cancer diagnosis. To raise awareness and educate the community, we held a month long fundraiser in our office and partnered with Making Strides. In total, we raised and donated $6,500 to The American Cancer Society.
Check out the features in the Bronx Times, Bronx Voice, and on News12!
Virtual Patient Outreach
Since we couldn’t be out in the community in the ways that we are used to, we found fun ways to keep our patient community engaged during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic
Virtual – Meet A Technologist
June 2020
Do you know the difference between a Radiologic Technologist and a Radiologist? Put simply, a Radiologic Technologist operates the machine and takes the pictures while the Radiologist is the physician who reads and interprets the images. Without quality images, the doctor cannot effectively figure out what is going on inside of you. As such, the role of the technologist is central to the diagnostic progress. That’s why we work hard to employ the best radiologist technologists in the field to perform your exam.
Click to be virtually introduced some of our Radiologic Technologists
Out Your Window Art Contest
May 2020
“Illustration can evoke empathy and bring shared experiences into view as millions of people around the world find themselves in a similar position: staring out their windows, wondering what’s ahead.” – NYTimes
Due to our reality at the time, many had to experience the world outside from the inside. Inspired by a piece done in the New York Times, we invited our patient community to share the view (drawing or photo) from their window with us.
Click to view a compilation of the submissions – as well as the winning image!
Decorate the Brain Art Contest
April 2020
Did you know that the UDMI logo was drawn based off of an actual MRI image of Dr. Prager’s daughter’s brain? The brain is the center of the body’s nervous system and arguably the most important organ in our body, which is why we chose it as the image for our brand logo. Given the overwhelming response to our first art contest, we invited patients to decorate our brain!
The image to the right is the winning piece!

Health & Wellness Art Contest
March 2020
To foster human connection and community, we kicked off an art contest where we asked our patients to create and submit a picture related to health and wellness. The winning submission projects a sense of hope, power, and strength; feelings everyone is searching for during these complicated times. The figure seems tenacious and ready for anything. Clothed in camouflage, she appears to be leaping ahead into brighter, sunnier days leaving behind the darker times of the past. Although not completely in the clear yet, she is well on her way. Click to view the portrait!
The image to the right is the winning piece!